
... and a not so good workout

Ah, the ebb and flow of workouts. Last night's good workout was tempered with a not so stellar workout this morning. Gordon and I got up early (5:30am) which was probably part of the problem - I've been sleeping in until 7am every other day this week! The schedule called for a 10-12mi long run and we wanted to get it done today instead of waiting until Sunday - Gordon is heading down to San Antonio all day Sunday and we have beer and curry plans for Saturday evening. So the plan was a Friday Longhorn Dam loop, with a bit extra if we felt that 10 miles simply wasn't enough.

We both ran side by side, listening to our iPods, enjoying each other's company but talking very little. The morning air was thick and heavy. We ran at a nice, easy pace and I was feeling fine until just after we'd run over the Longhorn Dam. Gordon wanted to kick it up a notch, but I was struggling just to hold an easy pace. My legs felt heavy, my stomach was a bit unsettled, and then my music ran out with three miles to go. But I kept running, trailing behind Gordon, he looked back every now and again to check on me, which was really very sweet but extremely irritating at the time... I don't like being the one that needs checking up on! By the time we'd finished we both decided that 10 miles was enough today. Plus, I'd ran for almost as long as a 12 mile run would normally take me anyway.

But I'll take the good with the not so good, if it means that I'm still out there doing it!

1 comment:

Erin said...

great attitude! I had a rough run at the trail this morning too. it's much more humid and gross than I anticipated.

way to put the bad workout in perspective.